Wednesday, March 11, 2009


LOL i have been very happy lately. YU-GI-OH the Abridged series has been posted every week for about 3 weeks in a row:) If you don't no what it is go here to watch some of the hilarious episodes . But the real reason I bring this up is LittleKuriboh(the person who makes the show) made this vid that i thought was definitly worth sharing:) ENJOY!!!

Now on to other matters. I am a terrible person:) I have two big posts that i have been putting off for about a month but NO MORE. The Windows 7 review p2 will be up this weekend and the How to make a media server on your PS3 will be up sometimes the week after:)

Now on to other other things. Are you one of the 11.5 MILLION people who play wow(that is more than half the population of Australia LOL). Well then i definitely recommend you get the Zygor WoW guide:) It is Excellent. It may be a bit pricey in our economic depression but oh well:). If you don't play WOW START NOW.

So yea BTW for some strange reason Mozilla announced that the log awaited FireFox 3.1 is now 3.5?? Does this mean FireFox 4 is coming sooner that we thought. Yea well I have been using the Beta 3 Pre Beta for a while and it looks well............exactly the same. Oh well i am probably missing something. :)LOL if you are wondering, the rumors are true. SAFARI 4 BETA IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS GOOGLE CHROME.:)

See you next time and feel free to ask questions or request we review something on the chat box:)


P.S. - I will be covering Brisbane supanova(the tech part of it anyway)