Thursday, April 30, 2009

Comments and Wakoopa

Firstly, the comments finally work. Sorry they were out for so long. Secondly, McFar54 and in turn me and Philip have signed up for a sight called Wakoopa. Basically, the users download a client that tracks what programs you are using and uploads your usage to the site. Now don't get worried. There is no spyware or anything and it is confidential. It is really cool. For example, it tells me that the program I use 2nd most is WoW just behind Word which is rightly so because it also tells me the 9th most used program on the site is WoW. I encourage you to sign up HERE

Thanks for reading

Profit Mad! and Real Buttons on a Touchscreen?!

Firstly I would like to tell you that a lot of companies have been making profits lately despite the global financial crisis. I think that this really does show that despite the public losing money they still ant to buy tech and games to make them feel better. One interesting point is that Ubisoft made a profit over teh last year despite most of there games only havign a moderate number for sales.

Next I would like to highlight and article on that talks about a new touch screen that uses air pipes to simulate real buttons. you can read the Article at This will help eliminate accident buttons say on a touchscreen keypad and eliminate errors. Whether keyboards and phones will be able to utilise this technology is yet to be seen.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


The title says it all:) MYTHBUSTERS RULE!!


P.S. WoW Peggle and Bejeweled is REALLY COOL but does not seem to be available on Curse Client, but it is available on WoW Matrix.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

No One Let Andrew Read This Post

Popcap have just released an add-on for the MMORPG World of Warcraft that intergrates Bejeweled and Popcap's immensely popular Peggle for FREE, letting you play Peggle or Bejeweled in game.

So now it's the end of humanity.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bioshock 2

Lewt's talk about the next big thign in not Mass Effect 2 but Bioshock 2. Based on what I've seen this game looks great, even if it uses the Bioshock Engine, and the idea of playign as a Big Daddy is a great decision by new gamign company 2K Marin. In the game you can 'harvest' Little Sisters to do you bidding including getting ADAM, the in-game currency, from dead humans. WHiel you harvest Splicers will be randomly coming from differetn directions and it will be your job to protect the Little Sister. YOu will also be able to go out of teh main building of Rapture and explore tegh other buildings by walking underwater.

Yes, this game does look great but why use the Bioshock Engine, why not a new engine? Yes it does provide more accessability as it means that Specs will be close to those of Bioshock but the graphics will look the same.

We won't know more until more is said but for know...keep up the good work 2K Games and try not to stuff this up...we all are lookign foreward to it.

BTW: Mass Effect 2 will be featured in my next post!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A True Fad, I just never thought anything like this would happen

When you go to YouTube, and there is the the Videos other people are watching, I can guarantee you that one of the videos will be this one of Susan Boyle, the amazing singer, with not the best looks.

All the embed links to her vids are disabled but here is a URL.
This is what i call a true world wide phenomenon. In has been just 11 days since she sung on Brittans got talent, and her videos have received over 49 MILLION views. Yes, you read right. 49 MILLION. Now that is a true internet(worldwide more like it. Even my mum who barely noes how to use youtube loves her)phenomenon that i never thought i would see.


P.S. I'm sorry i will try and post more regularly

Thursday, April 9, 2009



Tuesday, April 7, 2009

National Broadband Network.

Today Kevin Rudd released the final information on the National Broadband Network. The NBN will be just fibre optic cable providing high speed (up to 100mb/s) internet to 90% of Australian Homes. PM Rudd announced today that, after a lengthy bidding process, no bidders offered any plan that meet the Federal Government's expectations so they said that they will do it them selves in a majority public owned company.

Yes, this is very socialist but who really cares about that, what really matters is the quality of the infrastructure and who will be providing the service (ie. who will be the ISP). It is all very vague but it should be completed in 2017-2018, that provides enough time for the government to sort everything out.

Personally I believe that this is a good plan but cost and infrastructure problems will hinder this as well as logistical problems such as who will build it and who will provide the service. These problems will take a long time to sort out and so don't expect this before 2020.

Mr Rudd also blamed the Howard Government for not planning this during their time in office. There is one problem with this and that is that the technology to provide this service has not been around for very long and was only in its infancy during the Howard regime.

All of this coupled with the planned internet filter could lead to a China-like system of socialist internat filtering and use dictation. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Supanova Day(or rather Night)1

Well..... not much happened worth telling everyone about.... charity auction raised about $4400:) We beat the record:) We were introduced to some guests being Vic Mingona(don't no how to spell last name), the creator of Invader Zim, Some comic writers including the creator of Watchmen and some guy from Battlestar Gallactia.

Yea..... There were some cool costumes:)

Thats all

More (and I mean more sorry) Tomorrow


Friday, April 3, 2009

New Feature released today!

I would now like to say that a new thing on the blog is here...THE WEEKLY RANT! It will be released every Friday and one of us will rant about something that has happened this week.

This week's rant: CONFICKER WORM!

The Conficker worm scare was one hell of a hoax. Everyone had been talking about it and talking it up for weeks in advance and nothing happened. Basically all the worm did was change the way it gets its instructions and the media played it up and said that computers around teh world were going to crash and the virus would spread itself to others causing every computer in the world to crash. It was like Y2K all over again. I am personally disgusted at the media for fallign for this simplr prank and spreading fear to the people. The date of instruction change was April 1...APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! It was an elaborate hoax and the media, as always, fell for it. The worm did change the way it got its instructions but no computers crashed and nothign happenned. Now Germans have found the fingerprint and we are all "saved".

Thursday, April 2, 2009

.......I've done it

Firstly this is not a belated(posted 2/4/09) april fools day prank.

I've finally done it. At 9:20pm 2/4/09 my draft iPhone application for the blog worked!!!!
Yes thats right. This blog will soon(i hope) have an official iPhone app. There are some layout and final coding issues I must deal with before submitting it to the store(which I still haven't figured out how to do) but it cant be too long:)

Just thought i would tell you the news.
