Thursday, April 23, 2009

Bioshock 2

Lewt's talk about the next big thign in not Mass Effect 2 but Bioshock 2. Based on what I've seen this game looks great, even if it uses the Bioshock Engine, and the idea of playign as a Big Daddy is a great decision by new gamign company 2K Marin. In the game you can 'harvest' Little Sisters to do you bidding including getting ADAM, the in-game currency, from dead humans. WHiel you harvest Splicers will be randomly coming from differetn directions and it will be your job to protect the Little Sister. YOu will also be able to go out of teh main building of Rapture and explore tegh other buildings by walking underwater.

Yes, this game does look great but why use the Bioshock Engine, why not a new engine? Yes it does provide more accessability as it means that Specs will be close to those of Bioshock but the graphics will look the same.

We won't know more until more is said but for know...keep up the good work 2K Games and try not to stuff this up...we all are lookign foreward to it.

BTW: Mass Effect 2 will be featured in my next post!